Thursday, August 6, 2009

P90x - Day 4 of 90 - Yoga X

I was looking foward to yoga despite the negative reviews from other P90x users based on the length and their previous yoga experiences. This was a rather difficult or "trying" routine, although I did quite well overall for my first ever yoga experience, not-to-mention a yogaX experience. Just when I wanted to stop (about 45 minutes in) the routine switches and you go to balance yoga moves. I need some more work in this department, although I think most of the difficulty is that I already think I am going to fall, and so I fall. It ends with about 25 minutes of stretching (not sure on the accuracy of that time I just mentioned) but it was nice. Within that last stretch, there are some abdominal/core strengthening moves that were not simple, but i could feel the burn immediately. This let's me know how much more I need my core to be stronger.

My only concern with the program so far is that while others are noting a 600 calorie burn, I am not even reaching 400 calories yet, and I did do this with my turbo jam ball routine. I don't think I am THAT fit to where I am not burning these calories. I am not being lazy either. I am sweating like a dog and feeling the soreness the next day. I am not sure if I should work harder, do another routine or just keep my calories a little lower than what the nutrition guide outlines (which I have been doing because of the calorie burn). I am making an effort to have my net calories amount to at least 1500 calories. I see others going down to 1200, but I don't think it's wise in the long run. Months down the road when I am used to 1200 calories, well my body rather, I know i won't go any lower in calories as that's not wise. IDK really I am he only one that matters and we'll see how this goes.

I will see what week 2 brings and maybe i will have better results as far as calories are concerned. I want to come out of this experience on top, a minimum of 20 lbs lost is what I am looking for.

I think tomorrow is Kenpo X. I will give it a shot, but i'll just say that I am not looking forward to it only because whenever I try any sort of martial arts cardio, I can't get the moves right as I am sooooo uncoordinated.

Push Play!

Calories: 256
fat calories: 50%
average hr: 101
maximum: 140
1:32:24 (kinda skipped the Ohm's)

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