Sunday, July 26, 2009

Countdown to P90x

Well I am waiting for P90x's arrival in the mail. Dion has sent it back to me so that I may start this new phase in my weight loss and fitness journey. I have hit another summer plateau! Part of it, well 90% is due to my splurging on vacation. We not only went to Myrtle (where i did the most damage) but then to Orlando. In between I got stuck on loving the junk that I couldn't fully let it go.

Well we already had P90x at the time but i knew I had to wait before I could begin. So I will start either August 1st or August 3rd (which is a Monday). Either way I have a long 90 day road ahead of me, but one I hope is full of success.

I am currently a size 12 weighing in the range of 165-168 (mostly 168). I have gone over the nutrition guide and I have come up with what my meal plan will be (something I know i can come up with myself). I am looking forward to this journey but a little scared at the same time. I don't want to fail, i don't want to give up. I am known to start something and not complete it...I don't want this to be another. I want Dion to come home in December (a week or so after my 90 day completion of my first round) to see not the me he married but an improved version of who i was then.

So I have been anxious lately and I know I can do this.

I hope to lose 20-25 lbs (preferably 25). I will get back on the bandwagon this week by doing 30 day shred with 1 or 2 days of regular cardio and I hope to lose 2 regular lbs and then some of this water weight i've been clinging to because of my excessive sodium intake!

My overall goal will be to be in a 10 but if i can get into some 8's i will be ecstatic. I want toned arms, and just overall better physical appearance.

At any rate...let's do this!