Tuesday, September 1, 2009

P90x - 9.1.09 - Plyometrics

Okay i think this is day 30. I am so bad with these dates it makes NO sense. I did plyometrics today as I am basically following the "doubles" plan instead of lean. I need to make better progress and I have the time and energy so might as well. I did much better with plyometrics today than the last time. I promised my husband I would do it with him and go hard, so I am going hard. Tomorrow I will have morning cardio and then later will do chest and back. I am starting off light on my morning cardio though. I will start going to the gym next week when all of my kids are in school/daycare.

I burned about 522 calories this time and I didn't have to modify the moves as much as before, so again I am very pleased with my progress. I hope that this is my time to really see a change in my body. I would really like to see some more inches melt away and see these muscles shine through. I am sore as heck, so I know i have got to see something LOL.